
We intentionally and humbly share God’s love, expressed through his son Jesus, welcoming all people into a community of spiritual growth and discipleship.


As a congregation of God’s people, we are rooted in His Word and endeavor to follow Christ’s example and teachings through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our lives are motivated by the love and forgiveness we receive through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The presence of the Holy Spirit within us empowers us to walk in obedience to God’s Word. In corporate worship, we glorify God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son, and we celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to live in relationship with Jesus Christ so that our lives reflect His character and encourage others to live in relationship with Him.

We cultivate a caring, supportive, and loving environment in our congregation. We seek to find ways to share our faith and to invite others to know God’s abundant love and forgiveness and to experience joy and wholeness. We value opportunities for each person to deepen his or her relationship with Christ through discipleship, studying the Word, praying, listening to the Holy Spirit, and corporate worship. We welcome both the vigor and energy of the youth and the stability and wisdom of the experienced. We embrace and celebrate the spiritual gifts within our congregation and encourage people to use their gifts to enrich and strengthen the body of Christ.